24-Arm Tree Percolator Glass Bong Clear

Manufactured by Black leaf, 24-Arm Tree Percolator Glass Bong is a sturdy, massive, high-quality bong. This robust bong with thick 7 mm borosilicate glass walls features an astonishing 24-arm percolator. Each arm of the 24-arm percolator has multiple diffusor slits. The cooling and filtering this glass bong offers is sublime, you’re sure to enjoy each multi-filtered hit. The 24-Arm Tree Percolator Glass Bong doesn’t have a removable downstem; the tube is attached directly to the bong, held in place by the reinforced glass.

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Manufactured by Black leaf, 24-Arm Tree Percolator Glass Bong is a sturdy, massive, high-quality bong. This robust bong with thick 7 mm borosilicate glass walls features an astonishing 24-arm percolator. Each arm of the 24-arm percolator has multiple diffusor slits. The cooling and filtering this glass bong offers is sublime, you’re sure to enjoy each multi-filtered hit. The 24-Arm Tree Percolator Glass Bong doesn’t have a removable downstem; the tube is attached directly to the bong, held in place by reinforced glass.

Physical Properties

Gewicht 1697,3 g
Bong Material

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